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Good Glamping Neighbors

If you've been following us on social media, you know that we've been pretty active sharing our journey as we've moved along. First, we thought it would be fun for family, friends, and others interested in our resort, to follow our journey. As we've progressed, we've been really transparent sharing our plans because we are pretty excited about them, and we don't feel the need to hide anything; however, we've learned that sharing in bits and pieces on social media doesn't always do justice to our "big-picture" intentions. Misconceptions can lead to opposition. And we know there'll be opposition. We expect it and, if constructive and polite, we welcome it. Indeed, several people, including area residents, have reached out expressing concerns. It's encouraging to see them because we've realized we need to share our plans to mitigate those concerns, or because the concerns have helped us formulate new plans.

We were especially encouraged in our communications with a resident who bordered a property of interest. When they first learned of our resort, they were strongly opposed, and expressed that on our social media pages. But they took their concerns to God and found peace of mind, contacting us to talk through their concerns. We cleared up some misconceptions and ended the conversation with an invitation from the resident to come to their home on McCaslin Lake and talk about our resort in greater detail. We know that if we were given that same opportunity with any other resident, they'd have a far greater understanding of exactly what we hope to establish on the property. But we also know that's not likely to occur with every nearby resident, so we launched a campaign this week covering all the issues we heard and our plans to address them. Keep an eye on our social media pages from now until early mid-February to see those. For now, we include below what seem to be the top three resident concerns and how we plan to address them.

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