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The Mitten Marketer Opens for Business

We are happy to announce the opening of The Mitten Marketer, built to help entrepreneurs and small businesses “DIY” their marketing and other aspects of their business. You can learn more about the man behind the Mitten Marketer on the Our Story page of our website. I was inspired to create this business based on all the tools I’ve discovered and put to use in the businesses and organizations I’ve started.

Mitten Marketer Opens for Business
Mitten Marketer Website

The Mitten Marketer is based on the idea that marketing doesn’t have to be difficult, costly, time-consuming, or outsourced. It can be “DIY”. I have learned this through experiences starting a pharmacy association, a consulting business, and most recently a glamping company named Mitten Getaways, of which many of our readers are familiar.

While I have past experience designing websites and doing some social media marketing, newsletters, and the like, I had never done any of this to the extent that I’ve done for the glamping company. There are a lot of tools out there to help with these aspects and the costs of them can really add up. When I first started, I realized I couldn’t just sign up for all of them and their most feature-packed plan as I had a budget to follow. Also, as for the website and marketing aspects of Mitten Getaways, I was doing it all by myself. And that could add up to quite a bit of time with a monthly newsletter, weekly blog and podcast, and social media content across seven channels. Indeed, in the beginning, it took several days per month. So with the budget and time constraints, I wanted to create a system that allowed the business to be present, in front of our followers, with quality content, without breaking the bank or requiring days or weeks per month to complete.

With that in mind, I think I came up with a really good process for that, which is what I’ve built into the consultation service offered through the Mitten Marketer. This is really the main service I’m recommending, since it helps other businesses like mine to “DIY” their marketing. What I hope to provide is help to other businesses, where they can plan and schedule a whole month of digital marketing content in less than a day for around $20 per month. There are other tools and aspects covered through the consultative services such as direction on incorporation, getting a website domain, brand kit, graphic design, project management, online office tools, email marketing, merchandising, e-commerce, and payment processing.

If the consultation isn’t a fit, there are more hands-on services where I either do a first-time setup of the marketing for a business, or actually do the monthly marketing on a subscription basis.

If you are interested in learning more about the services provided by The Mitten Marketer, please visit the Services page of the marketing website or contact me. The services are meant for all types of businesses, not just those within the glamping industry.

Of note, I have procured the domain, but am awaiting a lock period before I am able to reroute from that domain to the pages hosted under the domain. This strategy is saving hundreds of hours and dollars per year, and is the same type of creative solutioning built into what I offer through the Mitten Marketer.

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